Monday, March 05, 2007

They'll Come to Lagniappe

I had a profound realization on Saturday. There was a benevolence walk-in case that we were dealing with and the individual had gone from one relief agency to another. He had been sent from one church to another. He finally was sent on from the Salvation Army and ended up at Lagniappe. He just needed some help getting 'over the hump'- a job was on the horizon. Wires had been crossed. He was short on cash and needed help. There were tears that welled up continually in his eyes. We met and decided to help him over the hump. He wept. He said that we were the 'only ones' who would help him. It was a great moment. I was passionately expressing my frustration to Helen Buckley. "Helen, what is someone supposed to do- they go from one church to another- each place passing the buck....each one too busy....everyone one taking the time to HEAR the story....if everyone rejects them and everyone tells them that they can't help then what are SUPPOSED TO DO????" Helen calmly replied, "Then they'll come to Lagniappe." I can remember precisely where I was standing. It felt like the floor was giving way- I began to weep. She was so right- they WILL come to Lagniappe, that is why we are here. I feel like I want to run from this place and never leave at the very same time. Pray for us and for our friend from Saturday. He started his job today.


Anonymous said...

I read this blog, and remembered meeting Helen, a woman of great compassion and more patience than she really knows that she has. The day after, a man, not homeless, but needy, walked into my store, hat in hand, eyes downcast. It was not his first stop of the day. He needed help getting a prescription filled. Staff looked at me as if I were out of my mind when I said, "Sure, let's go to the CVS." Dropped everything (we had 7 weddings to decorate last weekend) and took him to get his presecription filled. There were 4 prescriptions... he was trying to come to grips with how to treat his lung cancer...and after I stopped with the platitudes and listened, I found out that Preston is a mason who had been to visit his 13 yr old daughter currently living with his sister in Ocala, FL. As often happens with estranged parents and children, there had been an argument...and Preston left, without the friend who had given him a ride to Ocala in the first place. I called my hubby, Ross, who came to the pharmacy to take him to his truck in High Springs, about 40 minutes north. Meanwhile staff called at 8-10 minute intervals to make sure that I wasn't being dumped in a ditch some where. Please pray for Preston..he isn't sure that he wants to try either radiation or chemo and life may not be long enough for delays in the decision making process...he says he's a believer, many pray for truth in that, too, please. Tiny gems of lagniappe exist in the most amazing places...Tell Helen thanks for the great witness...even miles from where she stands.

Adaline said...

Hello Jean Francis!!!! I just found your blog (and Chapman's--old college friend). I'm so glad to know a way to keep in touch with what's going on with you. We might be driving through your area this summer...I'll let you know. Check out my kiddos at

Love you and miss you! Tell the fam the same. Laura Frances (McKey)